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We were tasked with developing a fundraising campaign for Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital. Our goal was to stand out from other all the other medical fundraising messaging running at the same time. We did this by moving away from the melancholy, Sara McLachlan-singing campaign tone of the many other campaigns asking donors for money. Instead, we delivered positive and powerful messaging about kids who, with the help of donations, aren’t letting their condition stop them from being kids. Every video, print ad, social post and digital banner directed people to the website where they could make a donation. The first year’s execution was so successful we were tasked with doing it again for another two years, featuring a different patient each time. The work led to higher donations overall, increased average donations, higher website traffic and a reduced age of the average donor, all while raising awareness to the cause.

Role: Creative Director / Art Director

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capital CAMPAIGN



Our first year developing the campaign happened at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. This meant
we had to do the entire shoot remotely to ensure the safety of our vulnerable “star”. We provided Naomi with
a GoPro camera to wear and gave her parents guidance on how to shoot video footage of her using only their
smartphones. We then used all that content to create video for both broadcast and social media executions.
In just 5 weeks we increased the number of donations by 21.7% and raised over $300,000 – an increase of 67.5%.



The second year of the campaign introduced us to James, a funny, bright 12-year-old living with Multiple Sclerosis.
By this time, the COVID restrictions had lightened and we were able to shoot James in person.
The creative campaign helped raise $440,000, increased the average donation amount by 59% and attracted more total donors.
Overall website traffic went up 166% and traffic from Facebook increased by 1,237%.



Next up was Ty. He had been a Mary Bridge Children’s patient since he was a baby and was still dealing
with severe medical challenges. You would never know it when meeting Ty, however. Our biggest challenge with him was
deciding which of his many activities we wanted to feature. We couldn’t pick one so we ended up just shooting them all.