“You can get there from here”
Laundromat :30
Bus :30
Apartment :30
“you can get there from here” part 2
Role: Creative Director / Art Director
“Single Mom” :30
“Server” :30
“Data Processor” :30
“Son” :30
Pima is a leading healthcare career training college. Typically, advertising in this crowded category consists of real-life students talking to the camera about their experience. We created an integrated campaign that would cut through the clutter and connect with our millennial target audience and their families through TV, video, broadcast radio, Pandora, digital and social media and a website refresh. The messaging is honest, relevant and emotional.
Role: Associate Creative Director
Laundromat :30
Bus :30
Apartment :30
“Single Mom” :30
“Server” :30
“Data Processor” :30
“Son” :30